
The Simplest Way To Improve Your Arabic Writing

How to improve your arabic writing

In Arabic, the word “writing” signifies accumulating many things together. As we say in Arabic, “كتب القوم” means the people gathered, and at the same time, “كتب” means to write. 

Although writing is the most complicated skill while learning a new language in general, it is considered the best way to learn and practice Arabic for some reasons. All you need to do is be aware of the tips we are going to give to make Arabic writing simple and effective.

Master the Arabic script

Without letters, could you write? you can’t, so give me five seconds to tell you about the Arabic magical script system, which is considered the second most widely used arabic alphabet in the world after Latin!

  • Right-to-left script

In Arabic, we write from right to left, which is the opposite of most other languages, so you need to adapt to the way of writing, even if you just mimic it.

  • The alphabet’s different positions

You must practice writing each letter isolated, initial, medial, and final because Arabic letters are connected to one another and the same letter can have a distinct writing style depending on where it appears in a word.

  • Arabic’s short vowels

Study Arabic diacritics or Arabic short vowels (Harakaat) like Fathah, Kasrah, and Dammah, which affect the meaning of your writing, and maybe you need to write them in some words to clarify the meaning.

Write simply, like a kid!

Maybe You read magnificent books while studying Arabic, but if you tried to write like them, the results would be disappointing. This doesn’t mean you can’t write like them, but it means you need more simple writing practice to reach such an advanced level. Here are some ideas to practice simple Arabic writing at the beginning:

  • Read Arabic children’s stories and try to rewrite the same story in your own style.
  • Choose well-written Arabic texts and try to Analyze the style. Pay attention to how sentences are constructed, how ideas are organized, and how transitions between paragraphs are managed.
  • Chat with Arab people on social media and comment on Arabic pages and groups.
  • Write your to-do list and your diary in Arabic.
  • Make an Arabic study notebook, write down the words and phrases you love, and begin to use them while writing.
  • Every day, write a few sentences in any circumstance.
  • Use writing prompts that can spark creativity and give you a specific topic to write about. 
  • Choose a piece of content in your native language and translate it into Arabic. This helps you learn new vocabulary and practice sentence structure
  • Try summarizing longer texts to enhance your writing ability.

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Make use of your analytical abilities

After you take the general pieces of advice to improve your English writing, you need to focus on the special mistakes that meet your weaknesses to work on them, and it will come from these two main skills:

Sharpen your analytical skills

The more analytical you are, the more brilliant your Arabic writing will become. And luckily, by following these tips, your Arabic writing will go to the next level more quickly than ever.

  • Read Arabic texts carefully and critically. Check the author’s:
    • Significant vocabulary.
    • Sentence patterns,
    • Writing structure.
    • Rhetorical tactics.
    •  Observe how the language flows.
    • and how concepts are presented.
  • Identify the word’s roots to imagine the deep meaning behind every word, and I promise you will take it as a hobby after noticing that Arabic words are very deep and meaningful.
  • Whenever you read Arabic text, determine the main themes and ideas being covered in it. This skill helps you extract the core message of every piece of Arabic writing, and this will reflect in your own writing.
  • Every language has a structure. You will gain a sense of understanding the Arabic structure by noticing while reading and by trying to follow the natural structure while you are writing.
  • Observe the vocabulary used in different contexts. Note how authors choose specific words to express their ideas accurately. Take notes and write down this vocabulary and what it means to know when to use it. This will help you, especially because written Arabic differs from the spoken Arabic dialectic.

Make a customized study plan to improve Arabic writing

With the help of analytical thinking, set goals to improve your Arabic writing depending on what you need to improve.

  • Make sure your goals are SMART.
  • Set milestones with deadlines.
  • Gather the resources you need.
  • Give the most time to practice Arabic writing.

read more about How to learn Arabic online

Avoid Making Common Errors 

Some writing errors make your Arabic sound less native. We can put these mistakes into three main types, with examples of each:

Arabic Dictation mistakes

Difficulties in listening to Arabic words and a lack of knowledge of Arabic writing conventions can lead to a lot of diction errors. Here are some guidelines for writing Arabic correctly:

  • Use Arabic online dictionaries to check your spelling and practice listening carefully to improve your writing. And Practice distinguishing between similar Arabic sounds.
  • When you listen to Arabic try to write what you are hearing, Arabic doesn’t have a lot of silent sounds, and if you know the correct pronunciation for a word, you will write it without spelling errors.
  • Proofread your dictation and correct any typographical errors.
  • Recognize Arabic diacritics or Arabic short vowels (Harakaat) like Fathah, Kasrah, and Dammah as they may affect your dictation a lot.

Errors in Arabic punctuation

Learn about Arabic punctuation marks and their usage. As they help the reader to understand the sentence structure, emphasis, and pausing. Pay attention to pauses and intonation in the spoken text, as they might assist you in determining where to put punctuation marks. Some common Arabic punctuation errors:

  • Don’t drop punctuation marks and try to use them whenever they are needed.
  • Place Commas, dots, question marks (?), and exclamation marks (!) in their right place, because Incorrectly placing them within a statement might change its meaning.
  • Remember to separate the other quotes from your own words with quotation marks.

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Arabic Grammar and syntax errors

Errors in Arabic grammar and syntax can have a significant impact on the clarity and accuracy of your writing. Some of these errors:

  • in subject-verb-object sentences, we put the verb first most of the time. 
  • Use Nominal sentences if you don’t need verbs at all.
  • Avoid errors in the Verb-Subject Agreement and make sure the verbs agree with the gender in gender and number.
  • Use the right pronoun and don’t miss the gender and number agreement here also.
  • Shorten big sentences to make them more manageable. And use appropriate punctuation and conjunctions To connect similar ideas.
  • Learn the rules of using “الـ” and practice using it effectively with nouns in your Arabic writing.

While writing, Be logical

 They say the more you write the more logical your thinking will be. and that is right specifically with Arabic, more writing gives you some rules related to the text’s coherent and logical structure and order for the sentences and paragraphs which will impact your way of thinking positively. 

  • Follow a logical structure like starting writing with an introduction and then the main paragraphs then ending with a conclusion.
  • Be clear, and precise, and know when to use the suitable word.
  • Consider the cultural differences while you are writing for an Arab audience.
  • Make sure that every paragraph expresses a clear idea and avoid repetition or redundancy.

Enjoy the beauty of Arabic writing

Arabic writing gives a great deal of importance to beauty; each word has its own flavor, and emotions are communicated deeply. Try to develop this sense of rhetoric in your writing by exploring Arabic expressions that you feel are related to your inner world and feelings and then attempting to communicate your feelings using these expressions. Remember that Arabic is a poetic language, and the Quran has an incredible way of telling its stories.

Be a storyteller 

When we explore Arabic, we will find it is all about stories! And if you want to take your Arabic language to an advanced level, you need to be a great storyteller! After practising the rules and writing correctly, you will still not be able to write in Arabic like intelligent writers, so you need to develop your own style at this stage, and the quickest method to do so is to focus on Arabic narrative techniques. try to read a lot of novels and stories to know how the arab people use the language to tell the world their story and I think you will really enjoy doing this!

Proofreading is the secret!

Writing is a unique form of communication as it offers the opportunity to review and revise your words until you feel satisfied. Unlike Arabic speaking, you have endless chances for improvement and can rephrase your thoughts as many times as needed. By taking advantage of this, you can enhance your Arabic writing skills and reach new heights faster than you may think. So, don’t be afraid to revise and rewrite your work until you feel comfortable with it. Your hard work will surely pay off in the end.

How does Kalimah Center Help you with writing Arabic?

If you’re someone who doesn’t speak Arabic but is eager to enhance your Arabic writing skills, you’re definitely on the right path by seeking out tips and tricks to master this beautiful script. However, if you’re looking for a way to supercharge your progress in Arabic writing, we warmly invite you to consider joining the online Arabic courses offered by Kalimah Center.

At Kalimah Center, we completely understand the unique challenges that non-native Arabic speakers encounter when learning this language, particularly when it comes to grasping the nuances of Arabic script. Our courses are meticulously crafted to cater to learners of all levels, ranging from absolute beginners to advanced students. What sets us apart is our commitment to addressing the specific needs of individuals who are not native Arabic speakers.

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