
Idgham Rules and Letters In Tajweed – Best Guide

Idgham Rules, Letters, and Types In Tajweed (1)

Idgham in Tajweed involves merging or assimilating certain letters when transitioning from one letter to another in specific circumstances, aiming to facilitate smoother recitation. It occurs when a nasal sound is followed by a non-nasal sound within the same word or between two words.

The purpose of Idgham is to maintain the flow and rhythm of Quranic recitation. Examples of Idgham include merging An-Noon As-Sakinah or At-tanween with specific letters like ي, ر, م, ل, و, ن. Mastering Idgham is crucial for proper Quranic recitation. Learning Tajweed, which encompasses these rules, is essential for accurate Quranic recitation.

The following article is talking about a branch of Tajweed knowledge which is Idgham rules in detail.

What is Idgham?

The definition of the term Idgham in Tajweed knowledge means joining a non-vowel letter with a vowel letter in a way that the two letters become as one sound in pronunciation. 

In Other words, Idgham refers to the merging or assimilation of certain letters when transitioning from one letter to another in specific circumstances. This joining or merging between the letters is done to facilitate smoother and more seamless recitation.

Idgham happens when specific Arabic letters come after An-noon Sakinah or At-Nanween. In more detailed words: Idgham occurs when a nasal sound (or Mudgham letter) is followed by a non-nasal sound (a “ghayr mudgham” letter) within the same word or at the end of one word and the beginning of the next. 

With Idgham, Instead of pronouncing both letters distinctly, the nasal sound is assimilated or merged into the following non-nasal sound.

In Tajweed knowledge, there are four rulings for what is going to happen in case if a letter comes after the letter noon (ن) which is called An-noon As-saknhah or  At-Tanween.

This essay entirely concentrates on Idgham and how to be pronounced proficiently. To gain more information about the rule of Idgham in Tajweed and its different kinds in detail, keep reading this essay.

Idgham Letters

As we mentioned above Al-Idgham term in Tajweed means joining two letters so that the two letters become one sound. Idgham rule happens if An-Noon As-Sakinah or At-tanween are followed by any of the following Arabic letters:


An Easy Way For MemorizingIdgham Letters There is an easy way for learners to memorize Idgham letters. They can be memorized in the form of an Arabic word which is  (يرْمَلُون). 

There is another way which is to divide the six letters into two parts as follows: (لر ينمو)

The reason behind this division is the fact that this Arabic phrase divides the letters of Idgham into two types: Idgham with Ghunah and Idgham without Ghunah. Idgham with Ghunnah comes with the letters (ي ن م و), and Idgham without Ghunnah with the letters: (ل ر).

What is the Purpose of Idgham?

The purpose of idgham is to maintain the flow and rhythm of the recitation of the Quran. The Idgham of the letters specified above is to avoid any disruptions or abruptness in the pronunciation of these letters when joining together in the recitation. It is considered a beautification of the recitation when applied correctly according to the rules of Tajweed.

Mastering idgham is an important aspect of Tajweed for those who seek to recite the Quran with proper pronunciation and adherence to the rules of recitation.

When To Pronounce the Idgham in Tajweed?

 If the Arabic letter An-Noon Es-Sakinah or the Arabic linguistic sign which is called At-tanween is followed by any letter of the six Idgham letters that are mentioned above, then, both of An-Noon Sakinah or Tanween will be merged into this letter to form a new sound that stands in the middle between the two sounds of the main letters.

The stress or emphasis sound will be placed onto the succeeding letter because of the Arabic phonetic sign which is called Esh-Shaddah.

In order to make the concept of the Idgham term more obvious, we have to mention that Idgham only will happen when just two words come together – the first word ends with An-NoonEs-Sakinah or At-tanween, and the second word begins with one of the Idgham six letters.

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Examples of Idgham To Practice:

Here are more Other Examples of Idgham:

  • أَوْ كَصَيِّبٍ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ فِيهِ ظُلُمَاتٌ وَرَعْدٌ وَبَرْقٌ يَجْعَلُونَ أَصَابِعَهُمْ فِي آذَانِهِمْ مِنَ الصَّوَاعِقِ حَذَرَ الْمَوْتِ ۚوَاللَّـهُ مُحِيطٌ بِالْكَافِرِينَ (Al-Baqarah:19)
  •  إِذْ أَوَى الْفِتْيَةُ إِلَى الْكَهْفِ فَقَالُوا رَبَّنَا آتِنَا مِنْ لَدُنْكَ رَحْمَةً وَهَيِّئْ لَنَا مِنْ أَمْرِنَا رَشَدًا 

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Is it important to learn Tajweed?

Tajweed term is a linguistic term used for referring to the rulings of the accurate pronunciation concerning the recitation of the Holy Quran, it includes how we should utter the letters accurately to produce the true sounds of the Arabic letters, it also includes phonetic processes such as opening and hiding letters. 

So to recite the Quran correctly you should learn the rules of Tajweed with a specialized tutor.

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Idgham in Tajweed is the merging of certain letters to ensure smooth recitation. It occurs when a nasal sound precedes a non-nasal sound, blending them together. This technique maintains the rhythm of Quranic recitation. Examples include merging An-Noon As-Sakinah or At-tanween with letters like ي, ر, م, ل, و, ن. Learning Tajweed, which covers these rules, is essential for accurate Quranic recitation.


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