
Shaban Fasting Days 2024 – The Month of Shaban Dua, Benefits, and Virtues

The Month of Shaban 2023 – Full Guide To Benefits, Virtues, Fasting

This year 2024, the month of Shaban will start on the 21st of February. May Allah make it peaceful for all Muslims. What sacred days and nights to live currently. Days of Sha’ban are one of those spiritual holy days. In this article, we are going to give hints about its significance in Islam,  what days we should fast in, its virtues and benefit, and how to make the best out of its days. 

What is The Month Of Shaban in Islam?

The month of Shaban is the eighth month of the Islamic calendar. The Islamic calendar (Hajri) is ascertained by the motility of the moon and its rising, not by the motility of the sun.

The word Shaban derives its name from the Arabic word root ‘Shaeb’, which means a meeting. Shaban was given this name because of the so much goodness radiating in it like the month of Ramadan, or because Arabs were gathering in it after separation, or because they were divided for seeking water, or because of their dispersion in raids.

Sha’ban is the month which is between Rajab and Ramadan. Though it is not one of the four sacred months, it is still a significant month. The graces and Virtues of the month of Sha’ban are various, auspicious, and blessing.

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What Is The Importance of the Month of Shaban in Islam?

The importance of the month of Shaban comes from the Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) love to worship in the month of Sha’ban as a preparation for the month of Ramadan.

The Prophet (saw) used to do many deeds of worship (Ibaadah) during it. It is also the month in which great events and incidents happened.

What are Shaban Fasting Days 2024?

The scholars said that there are several kinds of Shaban fasting days that Muslims can fast in the month of Sha’ban:

1. Fasting Days as Voluntarily

For the Muslims who aspire to obtain many handouts. For those who aspire their deeds to rise high to heaven while they are fasting.

2.  Fasting Days as a way of compensation

 The scholars also mentioned that  Muslims can fast in Sha’ban as a way of compensation for the days in which they didn’t fast during the previous Ramadan before the new Ramadan begins.

You may ask what the best days one can fast during the month are, here is the answer:

3. All Days Except the Last Days of the Month 

It is recommended to fast any day in the months of Sha’ban which will start on the  21st of February and ends on the 22nd of March, except the last days of the month in order not to be stuck in Ramadan.

4. Fasting in The Mid of Sha’ban                                       

It will be on the 7th of March which is the 15th of Sha’ban.

Fasting in the mid of Shaban is a blessing. The most significant day in Sha’ban is the 15th,  or what is called loyalty An Nisf of Sha’ban. The mid of Sha’ban is the day in which many scholars believe that righteous deeds and handouts raise high to Allah.

Due to the scholar’s opinions, the righteous deeds and acts are lifted up to Allah daily after Salat El-Fajr and Salat Al-Asr, weekly on Mondays and Thursdays nights, and annually on the night of the Mid of Sha’ban.

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The Attributes of Fasting in The Month of Shaban

Shaban is the month in which the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) used to fast most of its days:

Aishah ( May Allah be pleased with her) said, ‘The Messenger of Allah used to fast (so continuously) that we said that he would not break it, and he did not fast at all until we said that he would not fast. And I did not see the Messenger of Allah  completing the fast of a month, but that of Ramadan, and I did not see him fasting more in any other month than that of Shaban’.” Sahih Muslim.

It is narrated according to the above hadith that the Prophet used to fast the whole month of Sha’ban except for a few days.

If you aspire to train your limbs, organs, senses, and your heart to be ready for Ramadan and if you are eager to fulfill acts that Allah is content and happy with them  during the month of Sha’ban in which good deeds and handouts rise higher to the heaven, then the way is to do as the prophet had done, it is to fast as much as you can during the month of Sha’ban:

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings are upon him) said, “And whoever loves my Sunnah has loved me, and whoever loves me will be with me in Paradise.” At-Tirmidhi

The Virtues of Fasting in the Month of Shaban

The prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “That’s a month to which people do not pay attention, between Rajab and Ramadan, and it is a month in which deeds are lifted up to the Lord of the Worlds. I like for my deeds to be lifted up when I am fasting.” Sunan An-Nasai.

You have to pay attention to the phrase in the above Hadith “people don’t pay attention” and you have to know also how valuable the deeds are in the inattention times.

Fasting in The time of heedlessness and inattention is one of the best righteous deeds that Allah loves. It is said to be the best time for people to be obedient, just as a group of people would like to be reunited at the time between Al-Maghreb and Al Aishah prayers and say, “It is the best time for us to be reunited with Allah.”

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The Benefits of Fasting in the Month of Shaban

Reviving and flourishing the time of heedlessness that people are inattentive to it  by obedience and worship has its benefits:

1. Fasting in the month of Shaban Hides Your Worship 

It is said to be better for a man to be able to conceal his worship, and for this reason, it is said that true worshipers are not willing to be repeated that they are the obedient servants of Allah.

2. Fasting purifies you from Hypocrisy 

Fasting is usually a worship between you and Allah where no one knows about it and there is no reason for a man to show off while fasting. For that reason, your worship would not carry any kind of Hypocrisy.

3. Secrecy

some righteous predecessors are known to have gone out of their house to the market with two loaves, and they give alms with the two loaves to the needy and the poor and intended to fast the day, their families thought that they have eaten them and the people in the market thought that they had eaten in their own house before they came to the market.

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Hadiths on Fasting in The Month of Sha’ban 

There are hadiths in which Sha’ban was mentioned, Here are they:

1. Sha’ban is the month of Allah 

There is a hadith where the prophet defines Sha’ban as the month of Allah: 

‘Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha’ban is my month and Ramadan is the month of my Ummah’.

Note that the opinion regarding the authenticity of this hadith. However, we can apply its context as long as it is in the worship section. 

2. The virtue of the night prayers in the middle of Sha’ban:

There is a hadith that encourages Muslims to do many deeds of worship in the middle of Sha’ban. 

The Prophet Muhammad said: ‘When it is the night of the middle of Sha’ban, spend its night in prayer and observe a fast on that day. For Allah descends at sunset on that night to the lowest heaven and says: ‘Is there no one who will ask Me for forgiveness, that I may forgive him? Is there no one who will ask Me for provision so that I may provide for him? Is there no one who is afflicted by trouble, that I may relieve him?’ And so on, until dawn comes.” Ibn Majah. 

3. The importance of fasting in Sha’ban 

The Prophet (saw) says a hadith shows the importance of fasting during Sha’ban:

Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Messenger used to fast until we thought he would never break his fast, and not fast until we thought he would never fast. I never saw the Messenger of Allah fasting for an entire month except in Ramadan, and I never saw him fast more than he did in Sha’ban.” Al Bukhari 

4. Shaban is a reminder to purify our hearts:

In a hadith, the Prophet (saw) encourages Muslims to seek refuge and forgiveness from Allah. 

The Messenger said ” Allah Almighty looks upon all those created by Him in the middle night of Sha’ban and forgives all those created by Him, except the one who associates partners with Him or the one who has malice in his heart ( against a Muslim). Ibn Majah. 

5. Deeds are lifted to Allah in Sha’ban:

In this hadith, the prophet warns us not to be inattentive 

Usama Ibn Zayd may Allah be pleased with them both said: “I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah I don’t see you fasting in any other month as you fast in Sha’ban.’ He said,’ That’s a month to which people do not pay attention, between Rajab and Ramadan, and it is a month in which deeds are lifted up to the Lord of the Worlds. I like for my deeds to be lifted up when I am fasting.” Sunan An-Nasai.

Best Dua for the Month of Sha’ban 

Here are the best duas to recite in Sha’ban:

1. Dua for Seeking Forgiveness from Allah

In this dua, we ask Allah the most Merciful for his forgiveness 

“O Allah, you are the Forgiver, You love to forgive, so forgive me”

2. Making Dua for  Relief 

Muslims turn to Allah asking for relief from all pains and troubles.

“O, Allah! In these blessing days of Sha’ban, forgive me, pour mercy on me, help me, guide me, and grant me sustenance.”

3. Make Dua To reach Ramadan:

Muslims in the month of Shaban should always ask Allah to make them reach the month of Ramadan by saying:

اللهم بلغنا رمضان
O Allah, Allow let us live to witness the [holy] month of Ramadan ·

What are the main Incidents happened in the month of Shaban?

Here are several unique incidents that happened in the month of Shaban:

1. The Conversion of  Qibla From Jerusalem to the Kaaba.

Muslims used to pray the five daily prayers (Salawat) with their faces towards Al Aqsa Masjid. In the month of Sha’ban, Allah converted the Qibla toward Al Masjid Al Haraam ( Kaaba). 

Allah said:

“We have seen your face turned towards heaven. So We will turn you in a direction that will satisfy you. So turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque. And wherever you may be, turn your faces towards it.” Al-Baqarah 144.

2. Imposition Fasting the Month of Ramadan 

Fasting is considered as an act of religious obligation in the Islamic faith. Fasting during the month of Ramadan was imposed during Sha’ban in the second year of the Hijri calendar. Eighteen months after the Honorable immigration, the obligation of breakfasting alms ( Zakat Al Fitr) was ordered as well.

3. Jerusalem’s Capture by Crusaders

It happened on the 13th of Sha’ban 492 Hajri/ 1099 AD.

4. Ain Jalout Battle 

The great Islamic leader Qutuz with his military forces headed in the direction of the Salhiyah region to fight the Tatar forces in the Ain Jalout battle ( Sha’ban 658 Hajri -August 1260 AD.

5. Hussein’s Birth

In the fourth Hajri year, the Prophet’s beloved grandchild Al Hussien was born. the Prophet (May Allah bless him) loved his grandkid, Hussein ibn Ali so much.

6. Bani Mostalik battle 

In the fifth  Hajri year, Their Lord Haris Bin Abi Darrar called the Bani Mostalik tribe to war against the prophet. And then the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) went out to fight them, and the war went on, the Prophet killed ten of them, and the rest of them were taken captives.

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